Archive for the ‘Beverages’ Category

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This blog is defunct.  We’ve moved to:

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A Review of Coffee – from the daily perspective

My Review: 8

I would not say that my daily morning coffee is essential.  But it is something I have nearly every day, and I miss it when I don’t have it.  I love the taste and especially the smell, though honestly I like it best with a healthy shot of half-and-half in it.  Black coffee doesn’t actually do much for me.  And I don’t like sugar or sweeteners in it either.  Nor lattes, mochas, cappucinos, americanos or espressos.  Good old fashioned american drip coffee, that’s my pleasure.

Right now at home we are brewing Peet’s New Guinea blend, and I care for it a great deal.

I got started drinking coffee at independent coffee shops when I was in college, but I’ve ended up drinking a lot of  Starbucks and Peets.  Some people say the big national (and international, I’ve been to Starbucks in Japan and it’s awesome!) coffee chains are killing good coffee, but I don’t feel that impact.  I do like the fact that those chains are consistent.  I may not get the best coffee in the world, but I know what I will get, and it’s good every time.  I like my coffee really strong, and really dark.  Some people call it Charbucks, but that’s how I like it.  “I like my coffee black, like my men.”  (Airplane, 1 nothing. )

I am not the only person who digs their coffee.  My friend Rochelle (who likes coffee herself) told me about a great blog called Stuff White People Like.  Know what the #1 thing white people like is?  Coffee.

My daily coffee routine gets a solid 8 out of 10.  I like the taste, it perks me up, and it keeps me regular.  That’s right, I poop better after coffee.  🙂

Starbucks Coffee Carabiner Mugs

My Review: 6

I got a Starbucks carabiner mug as a birthday present several years ago. I still use, and I still like it. I am into climbing and stuff like that, so the idea of a mug that has an integrated clip or carabiner is appealing. In truth, the feature is definately more gimmick than value-add, but it is neat. And if the mug is empty, then the clip can come in pretty handy to attach the mug to a backpack strap or shoulder strap.


In theory, the lid does seal pretty well. There is a rubberized plug that fits snugly into the drinking hole in the top. However, if the mug is lying on its side or left upside down, I have found that they do leak. My buddy (the one who bought it for me) has several of these coffee mugs (different colors) and often sets them down sideways, partially full, with the lid closed in the hopes that it will not leak, or at least not leak very much. I think he has had more success than I’ve had, but this mug is definitely not 100% spill-proof. But for walking upstairs, or jogging to catch up with someone, it is a good way to contain your hot liquids.

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The integrated carabiner clip is made of metal and seems pretty sturdy. Because the seal is not outstanding, I would not like to clip the mug and leave it dangling while full, but it is handy in certain circumstances. The cup is made of aluminum and double-walled, so it keeps hot beverage hot, and cold beverages cold. (But how do it know?) 🙂 The bottom is rubberized, as are sections of the middle of the mug. The rubber is studded (not for her pleasure you sicko) which provides an excellent gripping surface. And the lid is heat resistant, extra-hard plastic. It’s a pretty sturdy design overall, rugged and resistant to abuse.


It is dishwasher safe, but not good for the microwave (the whole “metal” thing.) My friend Ben can explain all about what happens when you put an aluminum coffee mug in the microwave.

Here is a quick video showing the mug.

Snapple Bottle Tops

My Review: 8
Snapple bottle tops are fun. The facts are sometimes really interesting, and sometimes really lame. The one sitting on my desk right now (fact #306) reads: “In the Middle Ages, chicken soup was considered an aphrodisiac.”


That’s a good example of a bad example. Meaning, that was a sucky fact. Not only does no one care, it is a.) totally unverifiable, and 2.) completely irrelevant. That’s not a cool one you can drop at a party… But, I think this one is the exception, rather than the rule. Most of the time you get a really cool factoid like #233 which says: “Atlanic Salmon are capable of leaping 15 feet high.” Now that is a cool random fact. Or, take #227: “Today’s “modern” wrestling moves have been seen in tomb drawings from ancient Egypt.” That is a great, fun fact that I would never have known without Snapple. I suppose I don’t really care, but I do think it’s fun. (So I guess then that I do care?)

If you never remember to keep your Snapple caps (like me), and you don’t have the spare brain cells to keep all the Snapple facts you ever read memorized (like me) then you can always visit their website to see the facts (and find new ones.)


The point here is, it’s just plain fun to open the Snapple and see what’s under the cap. No stupid games or points, just information. Points for your mind man. Points for your mind.

So I say Snapple facts rate an 8, because they are enjoyable and informative. If they didn’t have the occassional moronic factoid peppered here and there they would have gotten a 10. But heck, an 8 is pretty darn good. So let me leave you with a doozie – it’s appropriate since there is a movie currently dulling senses of tens of thousands of Americans right now that revolves around this topic. Snapple Real Fact #133: “You have to play ping-pong for 12 hours to lose one pound.” I feel smarter now, and I’m sure you do too.

Post Script

You may have noticed that I did not talk much about flavor, ingredients, or company ethos. This post is not about Snapple as a drink or a company; it is restricted in focus to the merits (and demerits) of the “Real Fact” system. Lemon Snapple is probably my favorite flavor though. That is David Fact #11 : “I like lemon Snapple.”



My Review: 10


In my honest opinion, water is essential for life. Ok, that’s not really an opinion. More of a scientific fact, as I understand it. But I like water, and I think it deserves a ten.

Did you know that scientists “may” have found standing water on the surface of Mars?

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Water is good to drink. Best if it’s potable, but… ok really it has to be potable or you’ll get sick. But it keeps you hydrated (sort of by definition,) helps curb over-eating, prevents kidney stones, I could go on.

And I will. Water helps to lubricate joints, to regulate blood pressure, keep skin elastic, aid digestion and metabolize stored fat. And it helps to prevent dehydration.

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Water covers more than 70% of this planet. When we (humans) are growing in our mother’s bellies, we live inside amniotic fluid which is in many ways similar to water. We breathe through gills like fish. And what do fish live in? Water.

Ocean water in particular is very healthy for human skin. Spending time in the ocean can help to heal small cuts and scrapes, and improves the skin and complexion. Ocean water is not helpful in preventing dehydration. But it’s good for your skin.

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The cycle of water is something that most kids in the United States learn in elementary school. The basic premise of said cycle is that water on the surface of the Earth gets heated and evaporates, it collects in the upper atmosphere, condenses into clouds and after reaching a certain weight, density and set of conditions begins to release precipitation back to the surface. Hence the term: cycle.


I like water. It helps to prevent dehydration. It is good to drink, good to swim in, good to learn about, hopefully it exists in many other places in the universe. Because water is essential for life as we know it. And if there is life in other places, some of that life might be good looking. And that would be sweet. Totally sweet.

Water deserves a 10.

She is not dehydrated. She is Hydrated. Because she drinks plenty of water.

My Review of: The Silver Bullet

My Review: 6.5

I am not referring to the myth that you can kill a werewolf with a “silver bullet.” Obviously silver is way too soft of a metal to use as a slug in a bullet.

(I sounded like I knew what I was talking about there, huh? I think lead is actually pretty soft too.)

No, I am talking about Coors Light, the rocky mountain silver bullet.

Coors Light Can with a Frost Brew (registered) Liner

In my younger days I was a sincere beer snob. If it wasn’t imported then I wasn’t gonna drink it. Of late I have begun to drink more domestic beer, especially Budweiser and Coors Light. It’s not that I have suddenly decided that they taste better (they don’t), nor that that I’m suddenly patriotic (always have been and always will be.) Rather, I have discovered some particular attributes that I appreciate in some of our domestically brewed adult beverages.

1. They are cheap

2. On a hot sunny day of water-skiing in 100 degree weather, you do not want to be drinking Guiness. Coors Light is almost like hydrating while you get drunk. Yay.

So, while I still like a good imported Belgian beer (Delerium Tremens is a personal favorite) I can get behind a Coors Light while sitting down to Family Guy and take-out Chinese food (OK, it was delivered.)

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God Bless America

My thoughts on Diet Coke



My Review: 6.5diet_coke_menu.jpg

Every once in a while meet someone who says “on a hot day, after exercise, there’s nothing better that a large, cold glass of milk.” Every time I hear that or think about that, I want to vomit. For me, a cold glass of water is the way to go. However, often times a diet coke will work as well. I’m sure the milk drinkers are not only furious at this point, they want to vomit as well. But eff them.

I grew up drinking diet soda. I know that’s not healthy, and cancer from saccharine saturation must be imminent, but diet soda is simply my way of life. So where does diet Coke rank in the list, and more importantly what are the positive and negative attributes that define the beverage?

The major players are obviously diet Coke and diet Pepsi, but numerous other beverages jockey for important t positions in the diet soda market. Diet Dr. Pepper (DDP as we call it) is a great one, and Tab is an oldie but goodie from my early years that has had a recent resurgence. And, thanks to greater awareness about sugar consumption in recent decades, almost every soda available has a diet counterpart.

Diet Coke is certainly one of the most recognizable brands in the space, which is an important factor. There is a mythos and qualitative difference in recognized brands – a feeling that is present when drinking something that millions of other people also drink. Also, there is a consistency and dependability inherent in a stable brand like Diet Coke.


Regarding flavor, Diet Coke is good. (Drinkers of regular soda need not read this at all. Y’all think diet sodas taste gross, and we diet devotees can’t stomach the amount of sugar found in regular soda.) As I was saying Diet Coke is good. I don’t think it’s great, but it is more than palatable, and as mentioned previously it is eminently reliable. And the image of Paris Hilton (see prior entries in this site) drinking a condensation beaded ice-cold can of diet coke takes a diet beverage enthusiast quite a long way.

Bottom line is this: taste is subjective almost to the point of defining the word. I like DDP, but my friend Jeff prefers diet Coke. That’s cool, there’s lots of options out there. But diet Coke has good flavor, solid branding and marketing, and is a safe harbor when in a sea of competing (and sometimes strange) alternatives. I say 6.5 for DC.

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